سلام دنیا!

به وردپرس فارسی خوش آمدید.‌ این نخستین نوشته‌‌ی شماست. می‌توانید ویرایش یا پاکش کنید و پس از آن نوشتن را آغاز کنید!

39 thoughts on “سلام دنیا!

  1. We offer you the opportunity to advertise your products and services.

    Good day! Here is an amazing offering for you. I want to offer the possibility of sending your commercial offers or messages through feedback forms. The advantage of this method is that the messages sent through the feedback forms are included in the white list. This method increases the chance that your message will be read. The same way as you received this message.
    Sending via Feedback Forms to any domain zones of the world. (more than 1000 domain zones.).
    The cost of sending 1 million messages for any domain zone of the world is $ 49 instead of $ 99.
    Domain zone .com – (12 million messages sent) – $399 instead of $699
    All domain zones in Europe- (8 million messages sent) – $ 299 instead of $599
    All sites in the world (25 million messages sent) – $499 instead of $999
    Domain zone .de – (2 million messages sent) – $99 instead of $199
    Domain zone .uk – (1.5 million messages sent) – $69 instead of $139
    Domain zone .nl – (700 000 sent messages) – $39 instead of $79

    Reviews about the work on the site. http://bit.ly/2uanM1G
    If you order through the contacts below, you will receive a 50% discount.

    Discounts are valid until March 25.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype – FeedbackForm2019
    Email – FeedbackForm2019@gmail.com

    Thanks for reading.

  2. My name is Pete and I want to share a proven system with you that makes me money while I sleep! This system allows you to TRY the whole thing for F R E E for a whole 30 days! That’s right, you can finally change your future without giving up any sensitive information in advance! I signed up myself just a while ago and I’m already making a nice profit.


    If you’re interested in knowing more about this system, go to http://globalviralmarketing.com/?ref=qkgWOPkN5RoC1NWh and try it out. Again, it’s FREE!

    You can thank me later


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    Detailed video reviews of our products you can see on our website.
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    And we will send you the address of the backup site!

  5. Good day! kalatrah.com

    We suggesting

    Sending your commercial proposal through the feedback form which can be found on the sites in the contact partition. Contact form are filled in by our application and the captcha is solved. The advantage of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method raise the odds that your message will be open. Mailing is done in the same way as you received this message.
    Your message will be seen by millions of site administrators and those who have access to the sites!

    The cost of sending 1 million messages is $ 49 instead of $ 99. (you can select any country or country domain)
    All USA – (10 million messages sent) – $399 instead of $699
    All Europe (7 million messages sent)- $ 299 instead of $599
    All sites in the world (25 million messages sent) – $499 instead of $999
    There is a possibility of FREE TEST MAILING.

    Discounts are valid until May 15.
    Feedback and warranty!
    Delivery report!
    In the process of sending messages we don’t break the rules GDRP.

    This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype – FeedbackForm2019
    Email – FeedbackForm@make-success.com
    WhatsApp – +44 7598 509161

    It’s time to finish.

  6. Good day! kalatrah.com

    We advance

    Sending your message through the Contact us form which can be found on the sites in the Communication partition. Feedback forms are filled in by our application and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method improve the probability that your message will be open.

    Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

    The cost of one million messages 49 USD

    FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

    This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype – FeedbackForm2019
    Email – FeedbackForm@make-success.com
    WhatsApp – +44 7598 509161

  7. Dear Sir

    Our client is interested to invest in your region for good Return on Investment.

    if you have ideas, please contact us on +97365009688 or mh@indogulfbs.com

    Best regards

    Mr. Mat Hernandez

  8. Hello! kalatrah.com

    We advance

    Sending your commercial offer through the feedback form which can be found on the sites in the contact partition. Feedback forms are filled in by our program and the captcha is solved. The superiority of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method raise the chances that your message will be open.

    Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

    The cost of one million messages 49 USD

    FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

    This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype FeedbackForm2019
    WhatsApp – +44 7598 509161

  9. Good day to you,
    My name is Barrister Gary E. Hamilton, a United State lawyer. I have previously sent you a message regarding a transaction worth ($20,000,000.00 USD (Twenty Million USD Dollars) left by my late client before his tragic death.
    I am contacting you once again because after going through your profile, I strongly believe that you will be in a better position to execute this business transaction with me.
    Please if you are interested, I wish to point out that after the transaction I want 10% of this money to be donated among charity organizations while the remaining 90% will be shared equal by the both of us.
    This transaction is 100% risk free; please respond to me as soon as possible for more detailed information. Here is my email: eric@hamiltonfirm.us
    Yours Faithfully,
    Barrister Gary E. Hamilton

  10. Hi, I just visited kalatrah.com and thought I would reach out to you.

    I run an animation studio that makes animated explainer videos helping companies to explain what they do, why it matters and how they’re unique in less than 2 minutes.

    You can watch some of the videos we’ve made here:
    http://bit.ly/2ZYjOXT – do you like it?

    I really wanted to make you a super awesome animated video explaining what your company does and the value behind it.

    We have a smooth production process and handle everything needed for a high-quality video that typically takes us 6 weeks to produce from start to finish.

    First, we nail the script, design storyboards you can’t wait to see animated. Voice actors in your native language that capture your brand and animation that screams premium with sound design that brings it all together.

    Our videos are made from scratch and designed to make you stand out and get results. No templates, no cookie cutter animation that tarnishes your brand.

    If you’re interested in learning more, please get in touch on the email below:
    Email: storybitevideos@gmail.com

    Thank you!

  11. Dear manager/s of kalatrah.com

    I enjoy browsing through your website and even have it bookmarked.

    I would like to contribute by submitting a free guest post. I have a few topics in mind that are closely related to your website’s content. If you are open for collaboration, do let me know so I can get them forwarded to you.

    Kind Regards,

  12. Good day! kalatrah.com

    We suggesting

    Sending your commercial proposal through the feedback form which can be found on the sites in the contact partition. Contact form are filled in by our program and the captcha is solved. The profit of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This method increases the probability that your message will be read.

    Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

    The cost of one million messages 49 USD

    FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

    This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype FeedbackForm2019
    WhatsApp – +44 7598 509161
    Email – FeedbackForm@make-success.com

    PO. Box – 880
    Post Code – 112
    Ruwi, Muscat
    Sultanate Of Oman
    Tel: 00968 -24732550
    Fax: 00968 -24793259
    We work in nearly 120 countries. We serves people all over the world, regardless of your religion, your race, your ethnicity or your gender. We have over $900 Million U.S dollars from our philanthropy Mohsin Haider Darwish.
    Feel free to fill our help form http://mhdcharityfoundation.com/grant-form/ or any assistance if you need money to start up your own business, if you are finding a good job, if you are seeking for long and short loans and if you looking for help on charity donations and we also finance your project. Contact us ( mdhcharityfoundatiom@yahoo.com). We promise to be there for you always.
    Hurry up be part of this benefit. http://mhdcharityfoundation.com/grant-form/ . We are called to serve the people in greatest ways, we are here to relieve people suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life by healing the broken world.

    I will be looking forward to read from you
    Mr. Nabil Jamal
    Public Director General

  14. Hello,

    I sent you a message earlier, but I have not received a response from you yet.

    So, I am highly interested in writing an article for your website. I have a few topics in mind that are closely related to your website’s content. If you are open for collaboration, do let me know so I can get them forwarded to you.

    Please reply back to emilylopes5@outlook.com since my Gmail account may still be unconnected.

    Kind Regards,

  15. Hello,
    I don’t want to waste your time so I’ll go straight to the point: we are looking for paid guest post opportunities on websites as yours. The guest post is an informative article, consistent with your editorial plan, that links to a relevant website. We normally provide you with an article and pay a fee for this activity
    I apologize for this unusual first contact, before going on we will of course provide you with any needed information about our SEO agency and our activity
    If you are interested please send a mail to paidguestposts@gmail.com mentioning the name of the websites where you accept to be paid in order to publish guest posts.
    Best regards

  16. Hi! kalatrah.com

    We make offer for you

    Sending your commercial proposal through the feedback form which can be found on the sites in the Communication partition. Feedback forms are filled in by our application and the captcha is solved. The superiority of this method is that messages sent through feedback forms are whitelisted. This technique raise the chances that your message will be read.

    Our database contains more than 25 million sites around the world to which we can send your message.

    The cost of one million messages 49 USD

    FREE TEST mailing of 50,000 messages to any country of your choice.

    This message is automatically generated to use our contacts for communication.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype FeedbackForm2019
    Email – FeedbackForm@make-success.com
    WhatsApp – +44 7598 509161

  17. Hi there
    The Local SEO package is built to rank local keywords for your local business in the google search and in google maps. We have researched for years what local SEO activities truly work and have put all in one single local SEO plan to accomplish the expected results and more. You will start seeing big increases in ranks from the 1st month of work already. You get monthly SEO reports and benchmark reports.


    Thanks and regards
    Monkey Digital

  18. SEO enables your website to secure leading positions on search engine results pages for keywords relating to your business. This helps deliver organic and free high quality traffic allowing you to reduce your spending on online and physical advertising.

    We pride ourselves with our SEO expertise and offer guaranteed results with all our SEO services. We offer free consultations prior to you purchasing our SEO services which allows us to identify what the most effective SEO techniques should be used.

    If you are interested, contact us at info@junglepen.com and arrange a free consultation and website audit.

    *Results only guaranteed if services are purchased for more than six months.

  19. Bounce rate.
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    Read More details about our great offer:

    Thanks and regards
    Monkey Digital

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